is a social special project from Star Face Family
It is free of charge education for children and the youth in Ivano-Frankivsk. Ukraine 2022.


It is a platform for the development of personality, creativity, body and mental health of children and the youth aged 5-27, who are forced to seek refuge in Ivano-Frankivsk because of the war in which russia destroys homes and takes the lives of peaceful Ukrainians.
in Ukraine due to the war
About the situation
russian invasion of Ukraine occured on February 24. The war came to us in the middle of the night. During the month of terror, russia fired more than 1,400 missiles across Ukraine, destroyed thousands of facilities, entire cities, such as Mariupol, Chernihiv, Bucha. 60% of all Ukrainian children were forced to leave their homes, 2.5 million of them were displaced inside (within) the country. Several hundred thousand based in Ivano-Frankivsk.
These stats soud so scary to understand and imagine a big tragedy for Ukrainian people.
The team of the Star Face Family educational platform cannot stay away from the suffering of children.
These children saw what no one would ever have seen. They have not to see war, feel it over their homes. They have not to be afraid of noise and go down to the bomb shelter. But they are going through it. And even after being safe, they are still in a deep stress. And of course as any child they miss their peaceful life, smiles, plans and travels.
Our team decided to create a new comfort zone for internally displaced children and youth. We are eager to create opportunities for education and development.
Our special project is created to give peace to mothers who rescued their children to the sound of gunshots. We want these mothers to be able to bring their children to a place where they receive positive emotions, calm atmosphere, and acquire new hobbies and knowledge. And to turn them away from the horror.
Residents of Ivano-Frankivsk also lost their jobs, confidence in the future and financial opportunities. Therefore, we invite everyone to join to the project "EYES OF PEACE" for free.
With the the Star Face Family your spring in Ivano-Frankivsk will be associated not only with the paralyzing sounds of the air raid siren, but also positive experience and new opportunities.
About the project
Our team members love what they do. We give quality teaching, help, and we make young people happy. We admire children and really want to see their mothers happy. Remember this.
But we could do even more if there is not the limited of financial resources. We are lacking in supplying operating costs and the ability to scale the project. The team is ready to work even harder and better to make our children and youth successful and happy now.
How will this happen?
We teach classes in:
healthy eating
public speaking
personality development
art therapy
mental health
We also cover other areas that will be relevant to the participants of the training platform.
We invite young people who have left their homes and Ivano-Frankivsk citizens aged 5-8, 9-15 and 16-27.
We plan to hold classes
twice a week.
Project trainings is absolutely free for everyone. We attract the most competent specialists and create conditions where everyone gets knowledge, emotions and feels like a citizen of a progressive, European state.
What we already do:
The Star Face Family team has started the social project "No Anxieties" on a volunteer basis, at their own expense. We have found caring teachers and people who sincerely want to help. Since the beginning of March, we have more than 300 active students and dozens of feedback from parents, after attending classes.
Since 2013, we hold events in the field of culture, beauty and fashion, we organize educational and entertainment projects for quality leisure and personal development in modern society. The Star Face Family team consists of about 50 people and we know exactly how to make children's time interesting and useful. We used all the skills, experience and resources to implement a new social special project "EYES OF PEACE".
We are not planning to stop or reject those willing to join us. We believe that every person deserves a chance for recuperation and mental health support. This is why we need your help and assistance.
We raise (fundraise) money:
To provide qualitative and effective training, which includes the involvement of professional and experienced teachers, whose salaries should be decent.
Rent comfortable, safe and cozy offices for children. Where also parents will have a possibility to communicate with each other and find additional support.
Teaching materials (pens, notebooks, paints, pencils, stickers, paper) and consumables for a comfortable stay in the school office (water, cups, napkins, antiseptics, etc.).
Support and motivate the team which constantly works on the administration of the social project to provide the best conditions for the development of a new generation of true Ukrainians of the sovereign state.
To order delicious, healthy snacks for children.
Maintaining the viability of the project and the growth of educational and organizational capacity, which involves the involvement of professional teachers, increasing the number of classes to provide an opportunity to join the training of all comers, which is becoming more and more every day.

Help us to take care of children and youth. Together we create a happy future for Ukraine.
The main purpose of fundraising:
Support us financially
Not only
and development
the existence of
but also
of recovery
on your
of children
and youth.
the possibility
FOR USD (поповнення із-за кордону)
Beneficiary (Бенефіціар)
UA 63 322001 00000 2620 9301 8569 19
Account No: 26209301856919
Receiver: HRABOVSKYI OLEKSANDR, 76019, Ukraine, reg. Ivano-Frankivska, c. Ivano-Frankivsk, st. Halytska, build. 64V.
Account with Institution (Банк Бенефіціара)
Details of payment: charitable donation
FOR EUR (поповнення із-за кордону)
Beneficiary (Бенефіціар)
UA 43 322001 00000 2620 7327 5765 09
Account No: 26207327576509
Receiver: HRABOVSKYI OLEKSANDR, 76019, Ukraine, reg. Ivano-Frankivska, c. Ivano-Frankivsk, st. Halytska, build. 64V.
Account with Institution (Банк Бенефіціара)
Details of payment: charitable donation
FOR UAH (український рахунок monobank)
Номер карти: 5375 4115 0138 8156
UA 513 2200 1000 0026 2063 0850 0670
Отримувач: Грабовський Олександр
IПН/ЄДРПОУ: 3372711276
Призначення платежу: благодійність
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